Types of Waste Managed
Explore a variety of waste disposal methods, including chemical incineration, treatment, and recycling. Check our list of handled waste types. Can't find what you need? Contact us for assistance in navigating the right channels for the safest and most cost-effective waste management solution.

- Liquid Waste
- Sludge Waste
- Solid Waste
- Aerosol/Gaseous Waste
- Waste Debris
- Waste Powders
- Ignitable/Flammable
- Waste (D001)
- Corrosive Waste
- (D002)
- Reactive Waste (D003)
- Metals: -Arsenic (D004) -Barium (D005) -Cadmium (D006) -Chromium (D007) -Lead (D008) -Mercury (D009) -Selenium (D010) -Silver (D011)
- D012-D043 Waste
- Code Descriptions
- Spent Halogenated and Non-Halogenated Solvents (F001, F002, F003, F004, F005, F006)
- F007-F039 Waste Code Descriptions
- “K” Waste Code Descriptions- Wastes from Specific Sources
- “P” Waste Code Descriptions- Acutely Hazardous Compounds
- “U” Waste Code Descriptions- Toxic Compounds
- Aerosol Cans
- Batteries
- Cylinders
- Nitric Acid
- RCRA Debris
- Alkaline Chromate
- Chromic Acid
- Nitrates/Nitrites
- Non-Hazardous Subtitle D Materials
- Pharmaceuticals
- RCRA Solids
- Supplemental Fuel
- Waste Acids
- Antifreeze
- Empty Drums, Pails, and Totes
- Inorganic Waste
- Loose-Packed Waste
- Mercury
- Mercury Thermometers and Devices
- Pickle Liquor
- Trivalent Chrome
- Hexavalent Chrome
- Caustic Waste
- Arsenic Compounds
- Cyanide
- Fluorescent Light Bulbs
- Lab-Packed Waste
- Low-Level Organic Water
- Wastewater
- COD Vials
- TNT Vials
- Mixed Solvents
- Used Oil
- Organic and Inorganic Wastes
- Legacy Chemicals
- Off-Spec and Outdated Products and Chemicals
- Oxidizers
- Dangerous When Wet Items
- Poison Inhalation Hazard Items
- Oily Water
- Toxic Materials
- Water Based Paint
- Coatings and Adhesives
- Paint and Solvents
- Solvent Based Paint
- Latex Based Paint
- Paint Booth Filters
- Paint Still Bottom Solids, or “pucks”
- Contaminated Debris
- Expired Products
- Hand Sanitizer
- Herbicides
- Pesticides
- Beauty and Cosmetic Products
- Sunscreen
- Nail Polish
- Warehouse-Stored Products
- Contaminated Rags
- Contaminated PPE
- Chemical Waste
- Radioactive Materials
- DEA Controlled Substances
- Expired riot control devices
- Biological Substances
- Picric Acid
- Peroxide Forming Substances
- Cleaners
- Degreasers
- Sodium Fluoride Pellets and Powders
- Machine Oil
- Universal Waste
- Solder and Flux
- Lead
- Lead Contaminated Debris
- Gasoline
- Diesel Fuel
- Acetone
- Methylene Chloride
- Photo Fixer and Developer
- Mineral Spirits
- Floor Strippers and Cleaners
- Xylene
- Animal Specimens in Formalin/Formaldehyde
- Rinse Water
- Sand Blast Media
- Evaporator Sludge
- Paints and Stains
- Potassium Permanganate
- Lab Reagents
- Oil Based Paint
- Crushed fluorescent bulbs
- Amines
- Traffic striping paint
- HPLC Solvents
- Embalming Fluid
- Filtercake
- Metal Hydroxide
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