Laboratory Moving Services
January 24, 2024

It is a complex operation when you decide to move a laboratory. Large moves might involve a contracted relocation service, such as Environmental Marketing Services. These services will ensure the moving process is done with minimal delays, your property is protected against loss or damage, and reduces your risk of injuries.

While you prepare to move your laboratory, take the time to update your equipment and chemical inventories. This opportunity will allow you to clean out any unnecessary or outdated materials. An update on equipment will alert you to any pieces that require repairs and it will ensure effective safety measures are in place for your lab’s new location.

Guidelines for Chemical Relocation From Your Laboratory

One of the main guidelines for chemical relocation is not to move any more than is necessary. If you have outdated or broken equipment, biological or radioactive supplies, chemicals, or any other unnecessary materials, you should dispose of them properly.
Another concern when performing chemical relocation and moving your laboratory is the prevention of taking unwanted pests along in the move. Moving to a new laboratory is a fresh start that should begin pest-free. The type of pest that has found a home in your lab will depend on the materials you use. Some of the more common pests can include:

1. Flies
2. Cockroaches
3. Rodents
4. Stored product pests (beetles, weevils, moths, mites)

Before you move, it may be to your advantage to contact a local pest control service.

Chemical Relocation Involves Not Moving Waste Materials

Dispose of all waste materials prior to moving. There should be no disposal of hazardous chemical, radioactive, or biological wastes down your sinks, or placed in your regular trash. Talk with Environmental Marketing Services to arrange proper disposal of these materials. You will also not want to take used waste containers to your new lab, even ones that have been emptied.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has a guide you can reference to learn safe packaging and disposal procedures for your medical pathological, radioactive, or chemical waste.

Chemical Relocation Packing Tips

The National Institute of Health has a guide for Moving Your Lab Safely. You should read this before beginning the packing of your lab. These tips are some of the information you can learn inside this guide:

– Don’t rush when packing up your lab. Budget your time and make sure to leave enough time to accomplish all that needs to be done. Rushing will lead to injuries or damage to your property.
– Cardboard boxes work great for equipment, books, and supplies. You can find these in a variety of sizes. Recycled boxes can also be used and can be obtained from numerous locations.
– Filament reinforced tape should be used to seal your boxes and in assembling them. Other tapes, such as cellophane or masking are not strong enough to secure your boxes securely.
– When handling any of your lab materials, you and all involved should be wearing PPE (personal protective equipment.)
– Chemical relocation can have risks. You should never attempt this task alone. Work with a buddy when packing up your lab.
– Do not place or store your packed boxes in any public area or hallway. Stacked boxes can become a fire hazard.

If you are unsure about any packing procedures, talk to the specialists at Environmental Marketing Services.

Handling Your Equipment During Chemical Relocation and Laboratory Move

Before you begin your relocation, all your large pieces of equipment should be properly decontaminated. You should also label your equipment with a certificate that states it is free of hazards. The certificate would have to be obtained by someone qualified to decontaminate correctly. Certain pieces of equipment are required to be serviced and packaged by the manufacturer. Make sure you know which pieces these are before packing begins and make the proper arrangements with the right manufacturers.

If your lab has refrigerators or incubators, you will need to empty them before they are moved. Chemical relocation involves the services of a chemical move vendor. These materials have to be moved to a temporary refrigerator before the move starts, so the storage refrigerator can be thoroughly cleaned. All of your water jacketed incubators will need to be drained.

If your lab contains a freezer, the move of this and its contents will depend on the freezer’s final destination. If the contents from your freezer are going to a high-density freezer farm, you will need a vendor to coordinate the chemical relocation to the farm. If your facility uses a combo refrigerator/freezer, the contents will need to be transferred to a dedicated unit that is also moving. All other freezers will have to be prepared so the contents stay in place and moved by the move vendor.

Any oils in your vacuum pumps will have to be drained and disposed of properly. Check with Environmental Marketing Services to learn how this disposal will be handled. You will also want to prepare and ship all your surplus equipment before the final move. Any downtime you have can be used to make any necessary repairs.

Chemical relocation not only involves your hazardous materials with a laboratory move. It will involve disconnecting all bench-top equipment unless you have pieces being handled by a specialty vendor. You will want to pack all small items and cords into plastic bags with labels to identify what is in each bag. Place the filled bags into a plastic crate, with larger pieces left on the bench so they do not get damaged while the packaging is completed.

All crates, bags, and larger equipment from the benchtop will be placed into equipment carts in preparation for the move. Smaller, fragile pieces of equipment should be wrapped securely and safely before going into the moving cart.

An important piece to your moving the lab and chemical relocation process is to label everything. When boxes and crates arrive at your new location, you will want to be able to quickly identify each piece and place it into the new area.

Tracking Chemical Relocation During Laboratory Move

Labeling all your materials during your chemical relocation and lab move is part of keeping track of your property during a move. You should also keep an inventory list which consists of:

– Crate number
– What you have packed into each crate number
– A running number of crates you will use in the move

This tracking system will allow you to track all your items during the move and relocate them easier once you are at the final destination.

Chemical Relocation with a Laboratory Move

When you move biological, chemical, or radiological materials from one location to another, the DOT (Department of Transportation) has regulations you must follow. Working with a professional team from Environmental Marketing Services will ensure you are in compliance with all regulations.

Tips After Chemical Relocation with a Laboratory Move

Once your materials have arrived at your new location, make sure all heavy items from the moving service are placed on the ground level. You should not have any hazardous materials above eye-level, and place your hazardous materials into proper storage where they will be segregated.

Who to Contact for Proper Chemical Relocation and Laboratory Moves

Environmental Marketing Service has more than ninety combined years in the industry. We are ready to help you with chemical relocation and the move of your laboratory to a new location. We are your solution to the proper disposal of hazardous materials, properly and safely packaging of your lab items, and ensuring your facility is in complete compliance with all government regulations.

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