Lab Pack Services / Laboratory Chemical Disposal
August 19, 2024

Schools, colleges, laboratories, and government agencies all use many different chemicals in day-to-day operations. A key priority for all these industries is having a sustainable and safe waste management system in place for proper lab-pack disposal. Environmental Marketing Services offers your facility a program to expedite the removal of chemical waste in a safe and reliable manner.

What are Lab Pack Services?

Lab-pack waste disposal management includes an on-site chemical material identification and inventory system for all your non-hazardous and hazardous waste. This two-step chemical waste lab-pack service for proper disposal from your facility begins with identifying and segregating waste materials for accurate handling.

Step One

Environmental Marketing Services (EMSLLC) will provide you with expert advice to accurately identify all your non-hazardous and hazardous materials. It is essential to properly identify these materials so they are safely segregated in the lab-pack containers.

Your labs may use chemicals that are not allowed to be transported in their current state. These chemicals must be identified properly so your facility avoids penalties and fines during the disposal process. EMSLLC has the experience in this industry to ensure you are following all safety protocols.

Step Two

EMSLLC handles all preparation and packaging of your lab chemical solutions to ensure they are ready for proper transport and disposal. There are numerous DOT (Department of Transportation) regulations to follow, and the expert team at EMSLLC is fully versed in all. Some of these regulations include what will or will not be accepted at receiving centers.

What is Lab-Pack Management?

Lab-pack management uses specialized containers, such as poly, fiber, or steel drums. The size of the drums ranges from five gallons to fifty-five gallons. Inside of these large drums are smaller containers of your chemical waste. These smaller containers of chemical waste are cushioned with chemically inactive material to ensure safe transport.
Chemically inactive material, or vermiculite will prevent the smaller containers from cracking or breaking during transport. The vermiculite will also prevent dangerous interactions between chemicals should one of the smaller containers leak. Interaction between chemicals could result in explosions, fires, or other dangerous events.

Once all properly labeled, smaller containers have been safely placed in the larger drums, paperwork is created. The paperwork ensures the lab-pack is compliant for transportation. Transportation will be arranged by EMSLLC to their storage facility. At the storage facility, your materials will be properly treated and disposed of following all regulations and laws.

Why Schools, Colleges, Laboratories, and Government Agencies Need Lab-Pack Management

Lab-pack management can also be considered a high hazard and reactive chemical management as the process safely separates dangerous chemical wastes to keep people safe and protect the environment. Should hazardous materials be combined with regular garbage or poured down a drain, human lives are endangered as well as the environment in your area.

High hazardous waste management through the lab-pack process prevents possible health risks from toxins being released into your environment. These risks occur when hazardous chemicals are not treated before they reach a landfill. Untreated hazardous materials can contaminate drinking water supplies, groundwater, and surface waters.
When your facility chooses a lab-pack disposal service, such as Environmental Marketing Services, you have chosen a turnkey lab-pack service with experience in the industry and one certified in hazardous waste management. Turnkey lab pack services provide everything from pre-inventory to disposal and treatment services.

The turnkey service includes:
– The necessary paperwork
– Segregation of your wastes
– Packaging
– Labeling
– Transportation and
– Disposal

EMSLLC ensures your lab-pack waste disposal system will be compliant with all local, state, and federal regulations.

Typical Disposal Management with Lab Pack Services

It is a typical scenario in laboratories across the country to find small containers of out-of-date, partially used, contaminated, or other types of chemicals. A lot of facilities find they have retained samples or products they have no future use for or will rarely use.

Situations with these types of chemicals being left in your storage areas can become a legal and regulatory nightmare. These ‘no-longer-needed’ chemicals can result in state fines for violation of hazardous waste storage or become a danger to human life in your facility.

Lab pack services for laboratory chemical disposal will protect employees and students from potential hazards. This service will reduce your inventory of unwanted materials by having them periodically removed from your facility.

Typical disposal management with lab pack services can include:
1. Expired Ethers Stabilization and Disposal
– Ether is incredibly dangerous as it is highly flammable with the risk of becoming an explosion hazard. It is not safe to store ether for any length of time while awaiting a scheduled removal of other wastes. If your facility has any of this material ready for disposal, contact EMSLLC right away.

2. Mercury Compounds Disposal
– If any product that contains mercury is thrown in with regular trash, the mercury will not disappear. The mercury will find its way into the environment. Any product containing mercury must be managed or recycled as hazardous waste. EMSLLC can properly handle these types of waste materials following proper regulations for disposal.

3. Reactive Materials Disposal
– How reactive materials are disposed of through the lab-pack system will depend on how they were generated as well as the condition of the container your facility stores them. Before reactive materials can be collected they must be quenched. Reactive chemical management must be performed by trained personnel who can recognize these materials.
– These chemicals are defined as materials that come into contact with water, air, or other common substances that will violently or vigorously produce energy, heat, or toxic vapors or gasses. Contact EMSLLC before handling these materials as they require extreme care and it must be ensured they are completely quenched before being collected.

Other Typical Materials Disposed of in Lab Packs
– Materials that are flammable, corrosive, explosive, or pyrophoric
– Compressed gasses and aerosols
– Disinfecting and cleaning agents
– Solvents
– Oxidizers
– Reagents, bases, and acids
– TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) chemicals
– Chemical reagents

Laboratory Chemical Disposal Through Lab Pack Services

Environmental Marketing Services will work with your facility to ensure all laws and regulations are followed throughout the handling, storage, and disposal of your laboratory chemical disposal process. It is our objective to create an innovative and cost-effective solution for your facility. If you have questions, or concerns, or are ready to schedule a service, we are ready to help you create an appropriate and safe chemical waste disposal program.

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